Our Firm’s History & Approach

From Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 bankruptcy, The Bankruptcy Clinic of Hottman & Associates is here to help you find relief for debt collection harassment, judgements, debt related lawsuits, garnishments or bank levies. Our bankruptcy law firm will guide you through every aspect of the bankruptcy process. If you live in the Kansas City area, speak to us today to learn about obtaining a new beginning.

Call (913) 262-4444 for a free consultation.

Providing legal services in the following areas:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 is sometimes called "fresh start" bankruptcy because it can eliminate some types of debt entirely.


Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy
requires you to repay a
portion of your debts
through a repayment plan.



Kansas City Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney - Kansas & Missouri

Does This Sound Like Your Situation?
- My wages are not what they used to be.
- My income covers my basic expenses, but not the credit card bills.
- We can't pay even our basic expenses, much less our credit card debts.
- I have a lot of medical debts, credit card bills, and other debts.
- "I'm in Over My head!"

The solution may be a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which can reduce or eliminate your debts, stop creditor harassment, stop wage garnishment and give you the financial breathing room you need. At the Bankruptcy Clinic of Hottman & Associates, we have the experience to help someone in your situation obtain a fresh start by filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Kansas or Missouri.

Your initial consultation is FREE. Call (913) 262-4444 today.

The Advantages of Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Kansas
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy has changed with the new bankruptcy law enacted by Congress in 2005. It is not available for everyone, but if you qualify it could be the solution you need to finally get out of debt. If you have declared bankruptcy in the past, you may not be eligible for Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy. Instead, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be right for you.

Chapter 7 is sometimes called "fresh start" bankruptcy because it can eliminate some types of debt entirely (such as credit card debt and medical bills). It can also temporarily stop foreclosure. In most cases, you will have to attend only one hearing.

Kansas City Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney Todd Hottman can handle all aspects of your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, from start to finish. You will get the opportunity to begin again.

Contact our Kansas City bankruptcy law office to learn more about how we can help you.

A Common Story We See Everyday at The Bankruptcy Clinic
Jim and Debra were married with three children and owned a home when Jim lost his job and Debra became seriously ill. Their income dropped significantly. Although Jim received unemployment, it did not cover expenses for a family of five and they had to rely on credit cards. By the time Jim found work, one of their cars had been repossessed, they were behind on all their payments, and had run up high credit card debt. They couldn't pay Debra's medical bills. Creditors harassed them on the phone, sued them, and even placed liens against their home.

That's when they came to see Kansas City Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney Todd Hottman. By helping the couple file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, our legal team was able to wipe out all of their debts and remove the liens against their home. Without the burden of credit card debts, medical bills and the barrage of creditor harassment, Jim and Debra were able to pay their mortgage, remaining car loan, and basic living expenses. Peace returned to their lives.

Call (913) 262-4444 or send us an e-mail to learn more about how we can help you.

We will represent and be with you at all required bankruptcy hearings and address concerns of the trustee assigned to your case. Our goal will be to discharge as many debts as we can, while allowing you to keep most or all of your assets.

Take the first step toward debt relief and a better future for yourself and your family. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Call (913) 262-4444 or send us an e-mail for a free consultation with Mr. Hottman at The Bankruptcy Clinic serving Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri.

Bankruptcy Info

Bankruptcy Tools

Serving Kansas & Missouri

130 N. Cherry Street
Suite 203
Olathe, KS 66061

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